In this case, I have some tipps for you, so you don't get bored again!!
- Bake something that you've always wanted to bake but never had enough time!! (Big cakes, Cake-Pops or Cupcakes)
- Reorganize your bedroom and change things up.
- Make some lemonade and sell it in your neighbourhood. I guess everyone would be thankful for a cool, refreshing lemonade.
- Watching movies isn't difficult but set yourself a goal that you'll first read the book and then watch the movie as a treat.
- Or just read a book because you enjoy reading books.
- Go to a festival or an openair with some friends.
- Organise a pamper evening with your girls.
- Spend a night in the nature only with your sleeping bag and count shootingstars.
- Contact people you haven't seen in a long time and spend a day with them.
- Be crazy and do a rain dance in a warm summer rain.
I hope, I could give some helpful ideas for what you could do. Most of the things I tried myself and had alot of fun. If you do something or have more ideas please leave a comment!!
Wish you all a nice summer vacation!!
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